Who we are
Welcoming service
Project "from tourist to pilgrim"
Turista Pellegrino is the welcome service for pilgrims to the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres managed by D'Uva for the
Chapter of Santa Maria ad Martyres.

Considering that the Basilica of the Pantheon is normally open to the public, as well as for the exercise of worship, also for the religious visit of pilgrims and visitors, it will be the responsibility of the Chapter of Canons of the Basilica to internally organize all the pastoral reception and care activities of visitors and develop the “From tourist to pilgrim” project.
The Chapter will make available to pilgrims the possibility of freely benefiting from a series of pastoral aids which allow them to get to know and visit the Pantheon as a place of Christian worship.
The subsidies that will be made available will not be offered for sale; only a possible free offer will be allowed for them.
The offerings serve for the usual care of the exercise of worship, for the pastoral activity of welcoming pilgrims and visitors and for covering the pastoral and charitable expenses of the Chapter itself.
The Chapter of Canons of the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres
I am Monsignor Daniele Micheletti, Archpriest Rector of this Basilica and in the name of the whole Chapter, I would like to greet you with a message from the Chapter of Santa Maria ad Martyres.
Millions of people from all over the world enter this Basilica every year. Some don't know that this is a church. Some are not Christian. Many do not belong to any religious faith. They are tourists who enter to visit a monument of the past and have the opportunity to discover that the Pantheon is the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres. And even if they are simple visitors, they can find themselves a bit like pilgrims.
So look up: stones, statues, marbles, a monumental dome, an ancient design, old puzzles of light, space, luminous stars: don't just look at them, observe them with different eyes, become a pilgrim. As for us, we would just like to be your traveling companions.